Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March Part III - Success!

Wisconsin Meadow Stream
I got out to fish today from 8:30 to 11:30 AM. I started at a small meadow stream in western Wisconsin. This stream is a spring creek and has plenty of fish, but the water is glossy and crystal clear, so it can be hard to fish without spooking trout.

After spooking several nice pools, I decided I needed to slow down and focus on stealth if I wanted to catch a fish. As I approached a large pool I got on my hands and knees and crawled the last 30 feet to the stream, stopping 10 feet from the bank. I waited for a gust of wind to break up the surface, then I cast slightly upstream. My indicator drifted a few feet and then went under. I set the hook and finally brought my first trout of March to hand.

Later I moved to the Upper Kinni but didn't catch anything, despite seeing a number of rises.

I did get this nice panorama though

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