If you've read any of my recent posts, you've probably noticed I like fishing small streams. A lot.
Here's some more brookies from the "Meadow Stream" I mentioned in a previous post. All were caught on dries - I'm happy I can to say I haven't tied on a nymph in months :).
This meadow is my new favorite place to fish dries. The water is deep and flat, so you can see the fish as it rises through the water column. Sometimes it's a slow, cautious rise, where time seems to slow down as the trout moves its tail side to side. Other times it's a vicious strike, visible only as a greenish streak moving upwards, followed by a splash and an airborne brookie. But the riseform doesn't matter to me - it's always a thrill.
On another note, Mountain Laurel, my favorite wildflower, is in bloom right now. The bloom is waning in Eastern MA, but it should still be good at higher elevations. They tend to grow well near trout streams - be on the lookout for white and pink!
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